Beit Hall Emergency Procedures

What to do when an emergency arises

Fire Alarm

When the fire alarm sounds, you must immediately evacuate assemble in Beit Quadrangle away from the door such that fire marshalls can easily access the building. Do not bring personal belongings; do not use the elevators; and do not re-enter until instructed to do so. Students found inside the Hall during an evacuation will be disciplined appropriately.

Personal Health

If you have not done so already, please register with a GP at the Imperial College Health Centre.

When living in close proximity to many people, meningococcal disease (meningitis) is a risk and therefore awareness and vaccinations are important. A new vaccine (A,C,W,Y) replaces the previous Men C vaccine. For first-year students under the age of 25 who are unvaccinated or only have the Men C vaccination, single vaccinations are available from the Health Centre. Please see this link for more information on symptoms.

Emergency Contacts

Duty Warden
18:00-8:00 Weekdays and 24 hours Weekends
07764 285894 (external)
57710 (internal)

Security Emergency Line
Internal ambulence, polic or fire
020 7589 1000 (external)

Emergency Services
External ambulence, polic or fire
999 or 112 (external)

Imperial College Health Centre
020 7584 6301 (external)

NHS Direct
Urgent, non-emergency
111 (external)

Student Nightline
18:00-8:00 Weekdays, term time
020 7631 0101 (external)

Hall Supervisor
9:00-18:00 Weekdays
49905 (internal)